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Pyatnychuk Halyna

Pyatnychuk Halyna – associate professor of the Department of Sports and Pedagogical Disciplines of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports


Contact Information:


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Scientific interests:

Study of psychophysiological qualities of students by means of athletics during physical education classes


Lviv State Institute of Physical Culture (1990-1995 academic years)

Postgraduate course of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (2010-2014 academic years)

Labor and professional activity:

Ivano-Frankivsk Commercial College, teacher of physical education (1995 – 2001), Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Department of Sports and Pedagogical Disciplines (2001 to the present day)

Social activities:

Member of the Athletics Federation of the region



  1. Pyatnychuk H. O. Dynamics of speed and strength abilities of students during the weekly training cycle // Young sports science of Ukraine: coll. of science works in the field of physical education, sports and human health. 2014. Issue 15. Vol. 1. P. 244–248.
  2. Pyatnychuk H. O. Assessment of physical performance of students during the weekly academic cycle // Physical education of students. 2014. No. 1. P. 39–44.
  3. Pyatnychuk Pyatnychuk H. O. Directions for improving the management of the starting condition of sprinters at the stage of specialized basic training // Sports Science of Ukraine. 2011. No. 8. P. 11. URL :
  4. Yatsiv Y. M., Pyatnychuk H. O. Modern views on the role of psychological and pedagogical training of athletes for training and competitive activities // Monthly Scientific and Pedagogical Journal “Youth and Market”. Drohobych, 2012. No. 5 pp. 82–92
  5. Yatsiv Y. M., Pyatnychuk H. O. Characteristics of factors influencing the pre-start state of athletes // Physical education, sport and health culture in modern society. Lutsk, 2012. P. 102–107.
  6. Yatsiv Y. M., Pyatnychuk H. O. The relationship between students’ motivation for activities and their level of physical fitness // Young sports science of Ukraine. Lviv, 2013. P. 292–298.
  7. Pyatnychuk H. O. Dynamics of speed and strength abilities of students during the academic year // Sports Bulletin of Transnistria. 2013. No. 2–3. pp. 74–77.
  8. Pyatnychuk H. O. Development of physical qualities by means of running and strength training in female students of the special medical group // Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov. Series 15. Theory and teaching methods: physical culture and sports. Issue 8. K.: NPU named after M.P. Dragomanova, 2010. P. 116–119.
  9. Pyatnychuk H. O. Modern views on the regularities of changes in student performance in the learning process // Scientific Journal of the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov. Series 15. Theory and teaching methods: physical culture and sports. Issue 7 (33). T. 2. K.: NPU named after M.P. Drahomanova, 2013. P. 131–137.
  10. Pyatnychuk H. O. The influence of factors that determine the work ability of students in today’s conditions // Current issues, problems and prospects for the development of humanitarianism in the modern information space: national and international aspects: coll. of science works – Boundary. 2013. Part 2. P. 246–248.
  11. Pyatnychuk H. O. The dynamics of the manifestation of speed and strength abilities of students during the one-week educational cycle // Bulletin of the Carpathian University. Series: Physical culture. 2013. No. 18. P. 240–244.
  12. Pyatnychuk H. O., Pyatnychuk D.V. Model characteristics of physical fitness of middle- and long-distance runners after the preparatory period of training // Issues of modern science and sports: materials of the XII International Scientific Conference. Kyiv 2016. P. 9–19.
  13. Pyatnychuk H. O., Pyatnychuk D.V. Dynamics of morphofunctional signs and indicators of physical fitness of female students (on the example of short-distance running) // Herald of the Carpathian University. Series: Physical culture. 2017. No. 27-28. pp. 81-85.
  14. Pyatnychuk H. O., Popel S. L., Pyatnychuk D. V., etc. Functional systems of the body of students depending on the level of physical readiness for physical exertion // Pedagogy, psychology and medical and biological problems physical education and sports. 2017. No. 6. P. 34–37.
  15. Pyatnychuk H. O. Influence of physical activity of the maximum aerobic power on hemo-dynamic and morpho-biochemical changes of erythrocytes of female volleyball players Medical-biological problems of physical training and sports. 2018. No. 5. pp. 272-279.
  16. Pyatnychuk H. O. The results of an empirical study of the physical development of younger schoolchildren in the Kolomiysk district of Ivano-Frankivsk. Youth scientific bulletin of Lesya Ukrainka East European National University. Physical education and sports. 2018. Issue 29. P. 59-62.
  17. Malona S.B., Tsap I.G., Matiychuk I.V., Pyatnychuk H.O., Maistruk V.V. Signs of sexual dimorphism in various sports according to the results of a survey of girls aged 17-23. “Physical education, sports and physical rehabilitation: problems and prospects of development”: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference: Collection. of articles: November 8–9, 2018, Kyiv. Kyiv, 2019.
  18. Zemskaya N.O., Tsaap I.G., Matiychuk I.V., Pyatnichuk H.O., Rychluk J.V., Maystriyk V.V. Increase of functional reserves of students’ body by means of wellness physical culture. Perspectives of World Science and Education: III International Scientific and Practical Conference: Collection of Articles: November 27-29, 2019. Budget hotels in Osaka, Japan.
  19. Piatnychuk I., Pyatnychuk H. Modern information technologies and services in public institutions // Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Vol. 8, No. 3(2021), pp. 43-51.
  20. Pyatnychuk D.V., Pyatnychuk H.O. Modern information technologies that have influenced progress in sports activities. International scientific and practical conference “Physical culture and sports in the educational space: innovation and development prospects” : conference proceeding, March 5-6, 2021. Wloclawek, Republic of Poland : “Baltija Publishing”, pp. 152-155.
  21. Maistruk V.V., Pyatnychuk H.O., Pyatnychuk D.V., Tsap I.G. Features of the activities of voluntary sports associations of Stanislav after the Second World War (1945-1967). International days of physical therapy, occupational therapy, physical culture and sports. Level 10-11 11.(2021) pp. 50-51.