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Pyatnychuk Dmytro


Pyatnychuk Dmytro – associate professor of the Department of Sports and Pedagogical Disciplines of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, candidate of sciences in physical education and sports.


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Scientific interests:

Actual problems of middle- and long-distance runner training in the Carpathian region.


1979 – Technical College No. 52 (Lviv).

1997 – Lviv Institute of Physical Culture.

2012 – Postgraduate studies at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

Labor and professional activity:

1979-1982 – service in the ranks of the Soviet Army.

1987-1992 – trainer-teacher at the State Secondary School No. 3.

1992-1995 – trainer-teacher at the State University No. 1 DST “Kolos”.

1995-2000 – trainer-teacher at the SDYUSSHOR regional council “Ukraine”.

2000-2005 – assistant of the department of sports specializations of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

2005-2012 – senior lecturer of the Department of Sports and Pedagogical Disciplines of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

2012 – awarding of the scientific degree of candidate of sciences in physical education and sports.

2012 – until now – associate professor of the Department of Sports and Pedagogical Disciplines of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

In 2014, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Sports and Pedagogical Disciplines of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

Social activities:

Takes an active part in the organization and holding of competitions among higher educational institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation in athletics; in preparing students for all-Ukrainian and international competitions. He is responsible for the preparation, provision and functioning of the sports of the highest achievements in athletics at the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

Performs educational and training work in the university athletics team. Under the leadership of Pyatnychuk D.V. students of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University won two gold medals at the All-Ukrainian Athletics Universiade in 2019, one gold and one silver medal in 2017, and one gold medal in 2015.

Trained five masters of sports of Ukraine in athletics. He trained the world and European champion in athletics in the invasport category Vasyl Volosyanka.

Takes an active part in the organization and conduct of athletics competitions according to the calendar plan of sports and mass events of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

Successfully passed the Level I course exam for technical officials, in accordance with the requirements and procedures of the IAAF Technical Training and Certification System. On the basis of the received certificate, he takes part in refereeing competitions in athletics at the all-Ukrainian and international level.

Systematically improves personal professional qualities, thanks to constant work with modern scientific and methodical literature, organizes and takes part in scientific and practical conferences. He is the author of 48 works of a scientific nature and 16 of an educational and methodological nature, including 6 educational and methodological manuals. Supervises master’s theses in the field of physical education and sports.

In 2010, he was recognized as the best track and field coach of the Ivano-Frankivsk region by the Main Directorate for Family, Youth and Sports Affairs of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration.

And in 2011, he was recognized as the best coach of the region in Paralympic sports.

In 2015, he was recognized as the best track and field coach in the Invasport category.

Awarded with diplomas of the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast Athletics Federation, regional state administration and Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (2005, 2009, 2012, 2019).

Awarded the Honorable Mention of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration “For the Development of Physical Culture and Sports in Prykarpattia” (2018).


Member of the Athletics Federation of the region.

Coach-teacher in athletics at SDYUSSHOR FST “Ukraine”.




  1. Pyatnychuk D.V., Pyatnychuk H.O. Selection criteria for middle-distance runners at the stage of specialization // Actual problems of the development of physical education, sports and tourism in modern society: a monograph / edited by B. M. Mytskana, T. V. Boychuk, O. Ya. Fotuymy. Ivano-Frankivsk: PP Kurylyuk, 2008. P. 176-179.
  2. Pyatnychuk D.V., Pyatnychuk H.O. Training in the conditions of the Carpathians as an auxiliary means of training runners for medium and long distances in the preparatory period // Actual problems of the development of physical education, sports and tourism in modern society: a monograph / edited by B. M. Mytskana, T. V. Boychuk, O. Ya. Fotuymy. Ivano-Frankivsk: PP Kurylyuk, 2008. P. 180-182.
  3. Pyatnychuk D.V., Boychuk T.V. Assessment of factors affecting the effectiveness of the training process in middle- and long-distance runners and the effect of hypoxia on the functional state of the body // Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov. Series 15. Theory and teaching methods: physical culture and sports. Issue 8. K.: NPU named after M.P. Drahomanova, 2010. P. 134-138.
  4. Pyatnychuk D.V. Characteristics of the physical health of middle- and long-distance runners using anthropometric indicators // Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov. Series 15. scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports). Issue 6. K.: NPU named after M. P. Drahomanova, 2010. P. 217-220.
  5. Pyatnychuk D.V., Yatsiv Y.M., Pyatnychuk H.O. Athletics educational and methodological manual. Ivano-Frankivsk: Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Publishing House, 2010. 181 p.
  6. Pyatnychuk D.V. Evaluation of the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in middle- and long-distance runners // Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports). Issue 11. K.: NPU named after M.P. Drahomanova, 2011. P. 244-248.
  7. Pyatnychuk D.V. Assessment of physical fitness of middle- and long-distance runners // Young sports science of Ukraine: coll. of sciences, works in the field of physical education, sports and human health. Issue 15, T.1. P. 244-248.
  8. Boychuk T.V., Pyatnychuk D.V., Lapkovsky E.Y. Assessment of the influence of the mineral water “Horyanka” on the functional state of middle- and long-distance runners and on their adaptation capabilities // Sports science of Ukraine. 2011. No. 8 P. 59-68
  9. Pyatnychuk D.V. The role of acid-base balance in ensuring the homeostasis of the body during the stay of athletes in mountain conditions // Physical education, sport and health culture in modern society: coll. of science Volynsky National Ave. Lesya Ukrainka University. Lutsk, 2012. No. 2. P. 309-313.
  10. Pyatnychuk D.V., Boychuk T.V. Construction of training for middle and long distance runners in the conditions of the Carpathian Mountains. Ivano-Frankivsk. “NAIR”. 2012. 56 p.
  11. Pyatnychuk D.V., Pyatnychuk H.O. Modern views on the training system of middle- and long-distance runners and the role of training in mountain conditions // Young sports science of Ukraine: coll. of sciences, works in the field of physical education, sports and human health. Issue 17.Vol.1. 2013. P. 201-206.
  12. Pyatnychuk D.V., Pyatnychuk H.O. Training program for middle-distance and long-distance runners in plain conditions // “Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture /physical culture and sport/” scientific journal. Series 15. Issue 5 (30) 13. Kyiv 2013. pp. 170-174.
  13. Pyatnychuk D.V. Training program for medium and long-distance runners in low and mid-mountain conditions // “Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture /physical culture and sport/” scientific journal. Series 15. Issue 7 (33), volume 2 (n-th). Kyiv, 2013. P. 137-143.
  14. Pyatnychuk D.V. The influence of natural hypoxia on adaptive reactions of the body of athletes // Bulletin of the Prykarpatsky University Physical Culture. Issue 18. Ivano-Frankivsk. 2013. P. 256-262.
  15. Pyatnychuk D.V., Pyatnychuk H.O. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the author’s training program for middle- and long-distance runners according to the indicators of laboratory blood tests // New pedagogical thought. Rivne, 2013. No. 4 (76). P. 183-186.
  16. Pyatnychuk D.V., Pyatnychuk H.O. The effect of different training programs of middle- and long-distance runners on indicators of physical development // Scientific potential 2014: materials of X International. science and practice Internet conference, March 25-27. 2014. Kyiv, 2014. P. 73-80
  17. Pyatnychuk D.V. History of development and methods of teaching sports walking and running. Educational and methodological manual. Ivano-Frankivsk. “NAIR”. 2014. 88 p.
  18. Pyatnychuk H.O., Pyatnychuk D.V. Model characteristics of physical fitness of middle- and long-distance runners after the preparatory period of training // Issues of modern science and sports: materials of the XII International Scientific Conference. Kyiv. 2016. P. 9–19.
  19. Popel S. L., Tsap I. G.,. Yatciv Ya. N, Lapkovsky E. Yi., Synitsya A. V., Pyatnichuk D. V. Special aspects of hemodynamics and reaction of erythrocytes in blood to standard physical load of different qualification female volleyball players // Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports. 2017. No. 5. pp. 251-260.
  20. Pyatnychuk D.V., Pyatnychuk H.O. Dynamics of morphofunctional signs and indicators of physical fitness of female students (on the example of short-distance running). Bulletin of the Carpathian University. Series: Physical culture. 2017. No. 27-28. pp. 81-85.
  21. Popel S.L., Pyatnychuk H.O., Pyatnychuk D.V. and others Functional systems of the body of students depending on the level of physical readiness for physical exertion // Pedagogy, psychology and medical and biological problems of physical education and sports. 2017. No. 6. P. 34–37.
  22. Pyatnychuk D.V. The results of an empirical study of the physical development of younger schoolchildren in the Kolomiysk district of the Ivano-Frankivsk region. Youth scientific bulletin of the East European National University named after Lesya Ukrainka. Physical education and sports. 2018. Issue 29. P. 59-62.
  23. Malona S.B., Tsap I.G., Matiychuk I.V., Pyatnychuk H.O., Maistruk V.V. Signs of sexual dimorphism in various sports according to the results of a survey of girls aged 17-23. “Physical education, sports and physical rehabilitation: problems and prospects of development”: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference: Collection. articles: November 8-9, 2019.
  24. Pyatnychuk D.V., Pyatnychuk H.O. Modern information technologies that have influenced progress in sports activities. International scientific and practical conference “Physical culture and sports in the educational space: innovation and development prospects” : conference proceeding, March 5-6, 2021. Wloclawek, Republic of Poland : “Baltija Publishing”, pp. 152-155.
  25. Maistruk V.V., Pyatnychuk H.O., Pyatnychuk D.V., Tsap I.G. Features of the activities of voluntary sports associations of Stanislav after the Second World War (1945-1967). International days of physical therapy, occupational therapy, physical culture and sports. Level 10-11 11. (2021) pp. 50-51.