
The Senior Lecturer of the Department of Sports and Pedagogical Disciplines of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports.

Master of Sports in volleyball.

Teaching goals:

Improvement of efficiency of the volleyball players’ training.


Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University the faculty of “Primary and physical education”, the job title “the teacher of primary school and physical education”.

Professional activity:

  • 1995-2003: Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University
  • Athlete, practitioner
  • 2003-2008: Ivano-Frankivsk Financial and Commercial Cooperative College of S. Granata
  • Since 2008 until present: State Higher Education Institution “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University” the Department of Sports and Pedagogical Disciplines.

Social activity:

  • 2016: the Member of the Executive Committee of the Volleyball Federation of Ivano-Frankivsk region (women’s volleyball)


  1. Tsap I. Development of coordination abilities of volleyball players depending on the level of sports training / I. Tsap // BulletinPrecarpathianUniversity. Series: Physical culture. – 2011. – № 14. – P. 63-65.
  2. Tsap I. Level of adaptive capacity 19-21-year students from the section volleyball / I. Tsap // Coll. Science. pr. VolynNationalUniversity by Lesia Ukrainka. – 2012. – № 2. – P. 195-199.
  3. Tsap I. Features geodynamic response to standard physical activity in volleyball players with different qualification / I. Tsap // BulletinChernigivNationalPedagogicalUniversity. Series: pedagogical science. Physical education and sports. – Chernigiv, 2012. – Vol .. 98, T. IV. – S.211-215.
  4. Tsap M., Tsap I. The development of coordination abilities in volleyball players depending on the level of sports training, development of cardiovascular and vestibular systems.
  5. Tsap M., Tsap I. The development of coordination abilities in volleyball players depending on the level of sports training, development of cardiovascular and vestibular systems.
  6. Tsap M., Tsap I. Somatotype in system of monitoring the physical condition of volleyball players with different types of blood circulation.
  7. Popel S, VaschenkoI., Tsap I. Morphofunctional body characteristic physical education students / Popel S, VaschenkoI.., Tsap I. // Herald Chernihiv National Pedagogical University. Series: teaching science. Physical education and sport. – Chernigov, 2016 – Vol .. 98, T. V. – C.2 111-115.
  8. Fedoryuk , N.Zemska , I.Tsap To the question of the use of health-saving technologies in higher education. Young. – Ternopil: In the newspaper of TYPT, 2016. – P. 84-87.
  9. Somatic health status and social activity of students of 17-20 years playing sports / Nadia Zemska, Irina Tsap // Bulletin of the Carpathian University. Physical Education. – 2017. – Vip. XXVII. – P. 318-323.
  10. Tsap I., Pyatnichuk D. V., Popel’ S. L., G., Yatciv Ya. N., Lapkovsky E. Yi., Synitsya A. V. Special aspects of hemo-dynamic and reaction of erythrocytes in blood to standard physical load of different qualification female volleyball players // Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports. 2017. № 5. рр. 251-260.
  11. S Malon , I Tsap ., I Matiychuk , G Pyatnichuk , M Master. Signs of sexual dimorphism in various sports based on the survey of girls 17-23 years. “Physical Education, Sport and Physical Rehabilitation: Challenges and Prospects for Development”: Mat. Of International Scientific and Practical Conference: Coll. Articles: November 8-9, 2018, Kyiv. Kyiv, 2019.
  12. Zemskaya NO, Tсap IG, Matiychuk IV, Pyatnichuk GO, Rychluk JV, Maystriyk VV. Increase of functional reserves of students’ body by means of wellness physical culture. Perspectives of World Science and Education: III International Scientific and Practical Conference: Collection of Articles: November 27-29, 2019. Budget hotels in Osaka, Japan.
  13. Popel’, I. Tcap, L. Shpilchak, І. Chrоbаtyn, I. Bieliavskyi. Features of erythrocytic and gemodynamyc reaction on standard physical loading at volley-ballers with different qualification. JournalofPhysicalEducationandSport. 2019;19(6):
  14. V. Maistruk, G. Pyatnichuk, D. Pyatnichuk, I. Tsap Peculiarities of Stanislav’s voluntary sports associations after the Second World War (1945 – 1967). International days of physical therapy, occupational therapy, physical culture and sports. Exactly 10-11 11. (2021) pp. 50-51.
  15. Popel, S.L.Faychak, R.I.Tcap, I.G., …Lysenko, Y.O.Śliwiński, Z. Physical development and physical preparedness monitoring of lyceum students of different ages Health, Sport, Rehabilitationthis link is disabled2021, 7(4), pp. 111–118 ( Scopus)