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Andrii Danyshchuk

Andrii Danyshchuk – assistante of the Department of Sports and Pedagogical
Disciplines, Doctor of Philosophy in Physical Education and Sports.
Advisor to the Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk on Physical Culture and Sports.

Contact information:

Research interests:
The therapeutic impact of Eastern martial arts practices on the student’s health.
Improvement of the training process in kickboxing.
Methodology of the training process in Taekwon-Do.

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Master's Degree (2016-
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, PhD (2018-2022 рр.).

Professional experience:
Head of the Taekwon-Do Club at Uhornyky School of the Ivano-Frankivsk City
Council. (2018-2021 рр.).
Deputy Director of Uhornyky School of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council. (2021-
2022 рр.).
Head of the Sports Department, Department of Youth Policy and Sports, Ivano-
Frankivsk City Council. (2022-2023 рр.).
Since 2023 and up to the present – Assistant at the Department of Sports
Pedagogy Disciplines.

Public activity:
2019 – awarded with a certificate of appreciation by the Mayor of Ivano-
2020 – awarded with a certificate of appreciation by the Mayor of Ivano-
2021 – awarded with a commendation by the head of the Ivano-Frankivsk
Regional Council.
2021 – awarded with a certificate of appreciation by the Chairman of the Ivano-
Frankivsk Regional Council.
2021 – awarded with a commendation by the Executive Committee of the Ivano-
Frankivsk City Council.
2023 – awarded with a certificate of appreciation by the Ivano-Frankivsk
Regional State Administration.
Since 2017 and up to the present, the head of the public organization "All-
Ukrainian Association of sportsmen Taekwon-Do I.T.F." in Ivano-Frankivsk
Since 2023 and up to the present, the head of the public organization "Sports
Committee of Ukraine" in Ivano-Frankivsk region.
Since 2023 and up to the present, advisor to the Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk on
Physical Culture and Sports (on a voluntary basis).

Scientific publications
1. Danyshchuk A. The impact of myofascial kinetic chains of the shin on
the progress of anterior pelvic tilt in children aged 7-14. Health, Sport,
Rehabilitation. 2019; 2: 28–35. A specialized publication of Ukraine
included in the international scientometric database Index Copernicus.
2. Danyshchuk A. Features of maintaining the stability of vertical body
position in young children with anterior pelvic tilt who practice

taekwondo. Lutsk, Youth Scientific Bulletin of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern
European National University. 2019; 4: 31–36. A specialized publication
of Ukraine included in the international scientometric database Index
3. Danyshchuk A. Electrophysiological study of myofascial chains in young
children with anterior pelvic tilt practicing taekwondo. Bulletin of
Precarpathian University. Series: Physical Culture. 2019; 4: 23–26. A
specialized publication of Ukraine.
4. Danyshchuk A. Ivanyshyn Iryna. Correction program for disorders of the
arch apparatus of the foot in young athletes specializing in taekwondo.
Knowledge, Education, Law, Management. 2020; 2(30): 473-485. A
scientific periodical publication in Poland.
5. Danyshchuk Andrii, Ivanyshyn Iryna. Effectiveness of a program of the
comprehensive correction of foot arch disorders in young athletes aged 7-
8 years
specialized in taekwon-Do I.T.F. Journal Journal of Education, Health
and Sport.
2020;11(1):400-411. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI
6. Danyshchuk A. Stabilometric indicators of balance in children aged 7-14
with different states of the arch apparatus of the foot. Sports Medicine
and Physical Rehabilitation. 2019; 2: 23–25. A specialized publication of
7. Danyshchuk A. Effectiveness of physical therapy technology for anterior
pelvic tilt syndrome in young athletes of different ages using taekwondo
methods. Health, Sport, Rehabilitation. 2019; 4: 28–35. A specialized
publication of Ukraine included in the international scientometric
database Index Copernicus.
8. Danyshchuk A. Features of supporting the stability of the postural control
young taekwon-do sportsmen with flat-footedness. CPQ Orthopaedics.
2019;3(4):1– 8.
9. Okliievych L., Partan R., Tiron M., Danyschuk A. Assessment of
physical development in students of the Carpathian region. Bulletin of
Precarpathian University. Series: Physical Culture. 2022; Volume 38, No.
1: 19–31 pages. A specialized publication of Ukraine.

10. Danyshchuk A. Plantographic indicators in taekwondo athletes with
different foot types. Bulletin of Precarpathian University. Series: Physical
Culture. 2022; Volume 38, No. 1: 78–86 pages. A specialized publication
of Ukraine.