Malanyuk Lubomyr Bohdanovych


Malanyuk Lyubomyr Bogdanovych – associate professor of the department of sports and pedagogical disciplines, candidate of sciences of physical education and sports.

Scientific interests: study of modes of motor activity.

Contact Information:

Google Academy


Ivano-Frankivsk College of Physical Education, 1993-1996.

Lviv State Institute of Physical Culture, 1997-2001.

Lviv State Institute of Physical Culture, 2001-2003.

Lviv State Institute of Physical Culture, M.Sc

Lviv State University of Physical Culture, 2006-2010, recipient of a scientific degree

Labor and professional activity:

Coach-teacher of football in Ivano-Frankivsk State Secondary School No. 3 (1996-1999)

Physical education teacher at Ivano-Frankivsk Primary School No. 24 (1999-2001)

Teacher of the Department of Sports Games of the Ivano-Frankivsk College of Physical Education (2001-2004)

Assistant of the Department of Sports Specializations, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of V. Stefanyk PNU (2004)

Senior lecturer of the Department of Sports and Pedagogical Disciplines, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of V. Stefanyk PNU (2008)

Associate Professor of the Department of Sports Specializations of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of V.Stefanyk PNU (2013 and to date day)

Social activities:

Football referee of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Football Federation.



  1. Rymyk R. Characterization of the state of health and motivation of schoolchildren who expressed a desire to do sports / Rymyk R., Malanyuk L., Partan R., Yatsiv Ya. // Materials of the 5th All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization of physical youth education” – Lviv, 2014. – P. 152 156.
  2. Rymyk R. Applied physical training of students of higher vocational schools / R.V. Rymyk, L.B. Malanyuk, R.M. Partan // Materials of the 11th All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of youth sports” – Kherson, 2014. – P. 159 163.
  3. Rymyk R.V., Rymyk V.R., Malanyuk LB. The relationship between physical development and physical qualities as a criterion for selecting children for athletics. Bulletin of the Carpathian University. Series: Physical culture. 2017. Issue 27-28. P. 265-270.
  4. Rymyk R.V., Malanyuk LB, Sinytsia A.V., Partan R.M., Stupnytskyi V. Optimization of applied physical and psychophysiological training of students of vocational and technical education institutions. Bulletin of the Carpathian University. Series: Physical culture. 2019. Issue 32.S. 108-113.
  5. Rymyk R.V. Professional and applied physical training in technical educational institutions // B.M. Myskan, R.V. Rymyk, L. B. Malanyuk / Herald of the Carpathian University. Series: Physical culture. – Ivano-Frankivsk. – 2014. – Issue 20. – P. 122 127.
  6. Rymyk R.V. Characterization of the state of health of schoolchildren who expressed a desire to do sports / R.V. Rymyk, L.B. Malanyuk, R.M. Partan // Physical education and sport in the context of the state program for the development of physical culture in Ukraine: experience, problems, prospects / Collection of scientific papers. Zhytomyr: Publication of ZhDU named after I. Franka, 2014. – P. 145 146.
  7. Rymyk R.V. Applied physical training of students of higher vocational schools/ B.M. Myskan, R.V. Rymyk, L.B. Malanyuk // International readings in memory of Professor Bohdan Shiyan/ Collection of scientific papers. Ternopil, 2014. – P. 141 146.
  8. Rymyk R.V. Morpho-functional characteristics of the students of the Carpathian region / Malanyuk L.B., Rymyk R.V. // Young sports science of Ukraine – Lviv, 2015. Vol. 19 – Vol. 3. – P. 104 109.
  9. Rymyk R. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of the level of recreational activity of university students / V.R. Rymyk, R.V. Rymyk, L.B. Malanyuk // Materials of the 10th All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization of physical education of youth” – Lviv, 2016. – P. 94 95.
  10. Rymyk R.V. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of the level of recreational activity among higher school students / R.V. Rymyk, L.B. Malanyuk, A.V. Sinytsia, O.M. Leschak, V.R. Rymyk // Scientific journal of the M.P. Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. Series No. 15. “Scientific-pedagogical problems of physical culture / Physical culture and sport” / Collection. Scientific works / Ed. O.V. Tymoshenko – K.: Publishing House of the National Educational Institution named after M.P. Drahomanova, 2017. – Issue 5 K (86) 17. – P. 272 275.
  11. Moskalyk N.V., Malanyuk L.B., Rymyk R.V. Adaptation of young athletes to cyclical physical activity. Materials of the 2nd regional scientific-methodological seminar “Olympic movement on the territory of Western Ukraine – past and present”. Ternopil: Osadtsa Yu.V. 2017. P. 119 125.
  12. Rymyk R.V. Professional and applied physical training of medical college students / R.V. Rymyk, L.B. Malanyuk // Youth scientific bulletin of the East European National University named after Lesya Ukrainka. Physical education and sports; structure. A. V. Tsyos, A. I. Alyoshina. – 2017. – Issue 27. – pp. 65-71.
  13. Rymyk R.V. Professional and applied physical training of students of the college of restaurant service and tourism / R.V. Rymyk, L.B. Malanyuk // Youth scientific bulletin of the East European National University named after Lesya Ukrainka. Physical education and sports; structure. A. V. This, A. I. Alyoshin. – 2017. – Issue 28. – pp. 52-57.
  14. Rymyk R. Vocational and applied physical training of college students / R.V. Rymyk, L.B. Malanyuk, A.V. Sinytsia // Proceedings of the 10th All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization of physical education of youth” – Lviv, 2018. – P. 65 71.
  15. Rymyk R.V. Malanyuk L.B., Sinytsia A.V., Partan R.M. Physical fitness of students of PNU Pedagogical Institute. Materials of the fourth regional scientific and methodical seminar “Innovative approaches to physical education and sports”. Ternopil: Former SMT “Type”. 2018. P. 132 136.
  16. Rymyk R.V., Malanyuk L.B., Leschak O.M. Optimization of vocational and applied physical training of schoolchildren. Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Dragomanov. Series No. 15. “Scientific-pedagogical problems of physical culture / Physical culture and sport” / Collection. Scientific works / Ed. O.V. Tymoshenko Kyiv: Department of the NPU named after M.P. Drahomanova, 2019. – Issue 5 K (113) 17. – P. 277 279.
  17. Horschuk V.T., Patriychuk A.V., Rymyk R.V., Malanyuk L.B. Development of endurance in young track and field athletes at the stage of preliminary basic sports training. The Olympic movement on the territory of Western Ukraine – past and present // Materials of the regional scientific and methodological seminar / For general. ed. Ognistoy A.V., Ognistoy K.M. – Ternopil: Former SMT “TYP”, 2019. – P. 32-38
  18. Rymyk R.V. Malaniuk L.B., Sinytsia A.V. Professional skill of the trainer. Educational and methodological recommendations for self-training / R.V. Rymyk, L.B. Malanyuk, A.V. Sinytsia – Ivano-Frankivsk: V-ts Kushnir G.M., 2019. – 96 p.
  19. Rymyk Roman, Malaniuk Lyubomyr, Sinytsia Andriy. Professional and applied physical training of students. Materials of the 8th All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the development of swimming in Lviv “Problems of forming a healthy lifestyle for young people. LSU named after Ivan Franko. Lviv. 2020. P. 30-33
  20. Rymyk Roman, Malanyuk Lyubomyr, Sinytsia Andrii. The level of development of speed and strength abilities of elementary school students. Collection of materials of the 1st regional scientific and practical conference “Physical culture at school: state and prospects of development”. PNUim. Vasyl Stefanyk. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2020. P. 56-58
  21. Roman Rymyk, Lyubomyr Malanyuk, Andriy Sinytsia. The level of physical fitness of students of educational institutions of vocational education in the sewing profile. V International scientific-practical conference “Actual problems of the development of physical culture of sports and tourism in modern society” (November 27, 2020, Ivano-Frankivsk) / Vasyl Stefanyk Prykarpatsky National University. Electronic edition. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2020. P. 59-61.
  22. Roman Rymyk, Lyubomyr Malanyuk, Andriy Sinytsia. The level of physical fitness of students of the vocational and technical education center. The 5th regional scientific and methodical seminar dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the creation of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine “Innovative approaches to physical education and sports of student youth” December 18-19, 2020 // materials of the 5th regional scientific and methodical seminar / By general ed. Ognistoy A. V., Ognistoy K. M. – Ternopil: “TYP” State Technical University, 2020. – pp. 141-146.
  23. Rymyk Roman, Malanyuk Lyubomyr, Sinytsia Andrii, Tzap Iryna. Professional and applied physical training of students of the college of restaurant service and tourism. XXIV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Young Sports Science of Ukraine” within the framework of the III Eurasian Congress of Sciences and Sports, May 28-29, 2020. – Lviv, 2020.
  24. Rymyk R.V., Malanyuk L.B., Sinytsia A.V. The level of physical fitness of students of educational institutions of vocational education in the sewing profile. Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Dragomanov. Series No. 15. “Scientific-pedagogical problems of physical culture / Physical culture and sport” / Collection. Scientific works / Ed. O.V. Tymoshenko Kyiv: Department of the NPU named after M.P. Drahomanova, 2021. – Issue 6 K (135) 21. – P. 162 165.
  25. Rymyk R.V., Malanyuk L.B., Sinytsia A.V., Marchuk S.A. Prevention of injuries during athletics classes specializing in middle and long distance running. Innovative approaches to physical education and sports of pupils and students // Materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference / Under the general editorship of A.V. Ognistoi, K.M. Ognistoi. – Ternopil: Former SMT “TYP”, 2021. P. 172-177.