Andrii Synytsia


Andrii Sinitsa   – Head of the Department of Sports and Pedagogical Disciplines, Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor.

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  • Associate professor of sports-pedagogical disciplines
  • Faculty of Physical Education and Sport,
  • PhD in physical education and sport.


  • Research interests:
    the problem of communication culture of future specialists in physical education.


  • Learning:
    Ivano-Frankivsk College of Physical Education (1994-1997).
    Lviv State University of Physical Culture Specialist: (1998-2001).
    Master: (2005-2007).

Professional experience:
Physical Education teacher Kalush school I-III stages №2 with advanced study of the English language (1999- 2002)

Instructor of Physical Education FC “Kalush” (1997-2004)
Precarpathian National University V.Stefanyk Assistant Professor: (2005-2008).

Teacher: (2008-2013).
Assistant Professor: (2013 – to date)
Football coach university them V.Stefanyk


  • Scientific publications
  • Sinitsa AV The concept and principles of psychological training for the development of empathy of future specialists in physical education and sports // AV Synytsya, SA Bublik / Slobozhansky Scientific and Sports Bulletin [Sciences. – the theory. . ] – Kharkiv: CDAFC, 2014.- № 3 (41) .P.97-100
    2. Sinitsa AV The level of formation of psychophysical qualities of younger students / AV Sinitsa, SA Baglik // Scientific journal of MP Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. Series № 15. “Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports)” K .: In-Russian NPU named after MP Dragomanov, 2014. – Issue 3 (46) 14. P. 22-27.
    3. Sinitsa AV Analysis of the state of research of the problem of communication of the teacher of physical culture and the main directions of its solution / А. Tit / Sports Science Electronic Bulletin. LSUFK – 2014. Lviv
    4. Tit of Andrew. An analysis of the effectiveness of measures to reduce the frequency of injuries during football in students / AV. Sinitsa // Bulletin of the Carpathian University. Series: Physical Education. – Issue 20. -2014. – with. 101-106.
    5. Tit Andrew. The culture of professional communication of future specialists in physical education: an empirical concept / А.В. Sinitsa / Bulletin of the Carpathian University. Series: Physical Education. – Issue 20. -2014. – with. 96-100.
    6.Correction of the motor mode of schoolchildren as a means of prevention of seasonal colds: methodical recommendations / E.Ye. Lapkovsky, Ya. M. Yatsiv, A.V. Sinitsa BP Lisovsky. – Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR, 2016. – 31 p.
    7. Yatsiv Ya.M. Correction of physical fitness of persons leading a sedentary lifestyle by means of sports wrestling / Ya. Yatsiv, E.J. Lapkovsky, A.V. Sinitsa // Bulletin of the Carpathian University. Series: Physical Education. – 2016 – Issue 24.
    8. Lapkovsky EY Influence of the level of daily motor activity of high school students on the seasonal incidence of acute respiratory viral infections / E.Ye. Lapkovsky, Ya.M. Yatsiv, A.V. Sinitsa // Bulletin of the Carpathian University. Series: Physical Education. – 2016 – Issue 24.
    9. Sinitsa AV, Popel SL, Kryzhanivskaya AF, Zhurakivsky VM, Chovgan RY, Dutchak VM, Klipich OO, Klipich YA, Knyazevich-Chorna TV, Zemska NO, Melnyk IV, Yatsiv YM, Lapkovsky EY, Lutsky VY, Shovkova NI The mechanism of platelet-erythrocyte hemostasis of rats of different ages in long-term hypokinesia. Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems. – 2017. – Vol. 8 (2). P. 135-146.
    10. Sinitsa AV, Rimik RV, Malaniuk LB, Sinitsa AV, Leshchak OM, Rimik VR Pedagogical conditions for forming the level of recreational activity of students of higher education. Scientific journal of MP Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. Series # 15. “Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture: a collection of scientific works. Kyiv, 2017. Vol. 5 K. S. 272–275.
    11. Sinitsa AV, Yatsiv YA, Lapkovsky EY, Evaluation of the effectiveness of sports wrestling in the process of correction of physical fitness and functional status of persons leading a sedentary lifestyle. Bulletin of the Carpathian National University. Series: Physical Education. – 2017. Vip. 27-28. Pp. 356-362.
    12. R.V. Rimik, LB Malaniuk, A.V. Tit. Applied physical training of college students. Proceedings of the X All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference “Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of the Organization of Physical Education of Youth” Lviv, 2018. P. 65 – 71
    13. Gavrilova NV, Lapkovsky EY, Yatsiv YM, Popel SL, Sinitsa AV Morphological changes of buccal epitheliocytes and erythrocytes in students with different levels of somatic health and general physical endurance Gavrilova, E.J. Lapkovsky, Ya.M. Yatsiv, S.L. Popel, A.V. Tit / // World of Medicine and Biology 2 (64) Poltava 2018. P. 24-28.3.
    13. Rimik RV Malaniuk LB, Sinitsa AV, Partan RM Physical fitness of students of the Pedagogical Institute of the National Pedagogical University. Materials of the fourth regional scientific-methodical seminar “Innovative Approaches to Physical Education and Sport”. Ternopil: In the Taipei CMT. 2018. P.132 136.
    14. Rymik RV, Malaniuk LB, Sinitsa AV, Partan RM, Stupnitsky V. Optimization of applied physical and psychophysiological training of students of vocational education institutions. Bulletin of the Carpathian University. Series: Physical Education. 2019 Issue 32 108-113

15. Roman Rymyk, Lubomyr Malanyuk, Andriy Sinitsa. The level of physical fitness of students of vocational education sewing profile. V International scientific-practical conference “Actual    problems of physical culture of sports and tourism in modern society” (November 27, 2020, Ivano-Frankivsk) / Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Electronic edition. Ivano-    Frankivsk, 2020. P. 59-61.

16. R. Rymik , L Malanyuk , A Sinitsa  The level of physical fitness of students of vocational education sewing profile. Scientific Journal of the National Pedagogical University named after        MP Drahomanov Series № 15. “Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture / Physical Culture and Sports” / Coll. Scientific works / Ed. O.V. Tymoshenko. Kyiv: MPU Publishing  House. Dragomanova, 2021. – Issue 6 K (135) 21. – P. 162-165.

17. R Tyagur , B Lisovsky , A Sinitsa Manager in physical culture: standardization of managerial work, accounting and analysis of working time. Bulletin of the Precarpathian University.         Series: Physical culture. 2021 November 30; 38: 26 – 38.